
Saturday, January 29, 2011

Four weddings and a funeral

Although this type of books is not my cup of tea, I didn't want to refuse my lovely friend's recommendation. She said it was easy to read it, and she was absolutely right.
Four weddings and a funeral made into a movie first, then the book was published probably because of the popularity of the movie. You'll see everything is exactly the same in the movie as the book describes.

If you're learning English and it's pretty hard to watch an English movie without subtitles (like me), I highly recommend this book before you watch the movie. It'll definitely help you to understand what's going on and what they're talking about.

Anyway, somehow I enjoyed reading it. I could read it quite quickly last Sunday morning, then I saw the movie as well :)

.......However, I won't choose this kind of books again unless somebody recommends it.

I think an original version is always far better, whatever it's a book or a movie.
I mean, the movie was fairly fun, but the book was not really good as much as the movie was. Perhaps, there was something that shouldn't have been in the book, but only in the movie.

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