
Sunday, May 30, 2010

The Seoul Searcher :D

A lot of foreign friends asked me about Korea, but I couldn't sometimes answer them! What a shame.....omg I realized that I had not tried to learn how Korea had been in my past days even though I'm a native Korean! Shame on me.....T_T

Then, I found an interesting blog :)

The Seoul Searcher

He is an American working in Korea, but I think he knows about Korea more than These days, this blog is my best teacher to teach about Korea! In addition, all posts are written in English(haha!!), so it's a good opportunity for me to study English as well :D (I don't study and speak English any more here.. It's like I used to be in Korea..T_T) Anyhow, I'm getting more interesed in Korea thanks to 'The Seoul Searcher'.

That's why I would love to introduce this blog to you! Why don't you visit there? You'd learn about Korea and also study English with his witty posts! XD

Monday, May 24, 2010

Why don't you drink Korean traditional corn tea?

Why don't you drink Korean traditional corn tea?

Korean traditional corn Tea is good for you.

- 옥수수 차는 당신에게 좋다.

First, drinking the corn tea helps heavy metals in our body to be removed. According to Professor Kim Heegap in Kangwon University, the ingredients of the corn tea are effective enough to get rid of heavy metals in our body such as lead and arsenic which can cause many health problems. In fact, a lot of doctors recommend the corn tea instead of medical treatments.

- 첫째로 옥수수 차를 마시는 것은 체내의 중금속을 제거하는데 도움을 준다. 강원대학교 김희갑 교수에 따르면, 옥수수 차는 건강상의 많은 문제를 유발하는 납과 비소 같은 체내의 중금속을 제거하는데 매우 효과적이라고 한다. 실제로, 많은 의사들이 치료 대신에 옥수수 차를 권한다.

Second, the corn tea has an outstanding effect on preventing obesity because it accelerates the burning of body fat and also helps bowel movements. For example a friend of mine who had drunken this tea almost every day for 1 year lost 5kgs.

- 둘째로 옥수수 차는 비만예방에 도움을 준다. 왜냐하면 이것은 지방분해를 촉진하고 장 운동을 도와주기 때문이다. 한 예로 대학교 1년 동안 옥수수 차를 거의 매일 마신 내 친구는 결국 5kg을 감량하였다.

Last, the corn tea makes your face clean. According to one research result, it is proved that drinking the corn tea gets rid of freckles and sunspots on your face. Also, if you drink the corn tea steadily, it can also cure pimples. For instance, I know someone whose face became free of pimples and her facial complexion became glowingly bright, thanks to drinking the corn tea regularly. Therefore, we would like to recommend drinking the corn tea to you.

- 마지막으로 옥수수 차는 당신의 얼굴을 깨끗하게 해준다. 연구결과에 따르면 옥수수 차를 마시는 것은 당신의 얼굴에 있는 주근깨나 기미를 제거해준다고 증명되었다. 또한 만약 옥수수 차를 꾸준히 마신다면 여드름을 막아주는데 도움이 될 것이다. 예를 들어, 나는 옥수수 차를 꾸준히 마신 덕분에 깨끗한 외모를 지닌 사람을 알고 있다. 그러므로 우리는 옥수수 차를 추천한다.

1. to 부정사 ( to + V )

  • 명사적 용법
      - It is good for you to take ITIK in WTC.
      - I like to watch TV with my mother at night.

  • 형용사적 용법: 명사 to 동사 (-할)
      - I have no money to spend and no one to go out with.

  • 부사적 용법 (-하기 위해서)
      - 부사 to 동사: I studied hard to pass the exam.
      - 명사 to 동사: I studied English to get a job.

  • 4. 결과적 용법 (-해서)
      - I was happy to hear that you had passed the exam.

  • 2. 동명사 ( V + ing )

  • Effect on preventing obesity – 비만을 예방하는 효과

  • The burning of body fat – 체지방을 태우는 것

  • * 행동이 이미 시작되었거나, 이미 경험한 것을 이야기 할 때 사용함.

    - Suddenly everybody stopped talking.
    - I forgot going to the movies.
    - I remembered taking a test.

    * 동명사가 뒤에 위치하는 동사들
    - enjoy, avoid, mind, suggest, consider, finish, admit, postpone, deny, quit..etc.

    - Would you mind closing the door?
    - Eunyoung suggested going shopping.

    *동명사도 원래는 동사였기 때문에 그 동작을 하는 주체가 필요. 동명사의 의미상의 주어라고 해서 "소유격"의 형태로 씀.

    - The rain prevented our starting. (비가 와서 우리는 출발하지 못했다.)
    - I’m sure of his passing the exam. (나는 그가 시험에 합격하리라 확신한다.)

    * 의미상주어가 일반인이라 생략되는 경우.

    - Fishing in this lake is forbidden.(호수에서 낚시하는 것은 금지되어있다)
    - Seeing is believing.(보는 것이 믿는 것. 백문이 불여일견이다.)

    3.사역동사 (Causative Verb)

  • have(부탁), make(강제), let(허락)

    - Active: I had John fix the car. (나는 존이 그 차를 수리하도록 했다.)
    - Passive: I had the car fixed by John. (나는 그 차가 존에 의해서 수리되도록 했다.)

    - The corn tea makes your face clean.(그 옥수수 차는 당신의 얼굴을 깨끗하게 해준다.)

  • force, compel, urge, allow, permit, want

    - He wanted her to study harder. (그는 그녀에게 더 열심히 공부할 것을 원했다.)
    - I got him to fix the chair. (내가 그에게 그 의자를 고치라고 시켰다.)

  • 사역동사건 준사역동사건 목적어와 목적보어 관계가 수동일 때는 목적보어로 과거분사를 쓴다.

  • 1. 한달 안에 10권의 책을 읽는 것은 가능합니다.
    It is possible to read 10 books in a month.

    2. 전 그녀가 그 책을 훔쳤다는 말을 듣고 충격 받았어요.
    I am shocked to hear that she stole the book.

    3. 저는 머리를 깎았어요.
    I had my hair cut.

    4. 저는 그가 담배를 끊었을 것이라고 확신해요.
    I’m sure of his stopping smoking.

    5. 그는 제 질문에 대답을 피하기 위해 노력했어요.
    He tried to avoid answering my question.

    6. 저는 지갑을 도둑 맞았어요.
    I had my wallet stolen.

    7. 저는 동생에게 방 청소를 하도록 했어요.
    I made my brother clean the room.

    Should teachers teach culture in an ESL class?

    1. What is culture?

    "Culture" is a broad concept that embraces all aspects of human life. It includes everything people learn to do. It is everything humans have learned. Culture shapes our thoughts and actions, and often does so with a heavy hand" (Seelye 1984-1993).

    2. Should we teach culture in an ESL class? If yes, why? If no, why?

    Yes, teacher should teach culture in an ESL class.

    According to the US senator, Paul Simon, "Knowledge of the world's languages and cultures is more vital than ever. In order to compete in the global community, we must be able to communicate effectively and to appreciate, understand, and be able to work in the framework of other cultures." In the past, culture used to be distinct from language; nowadays, it has become integral to it. If it is important to teach a foreign language to enhance communication, it is also vital to instill in students an intellectual and emotional appreciation of the culture of that foreign language, so that communication will not be impaired. (Paul Simon, US senator)
    Learning a language in isolation of its cultural roots prevents one from becoming socialized into its contextual use. Knowledge of linguistic structure alone does not carry with it any special insight into the political, social, religious, or economic system. Or even insight into when you should talk and when you should not. (Seelye 1993, p 10).
    "The study of language cannot be divorced from the study of culture, and vice-versa (Seelye p. 22).
    "A language is part of a culture and culture is part of language; the two are intricately interwoven so that one cannot separate the two without losing the significance of either language or culture." (Douglas-Brown 1994)

    3. As English is an international language, what culture should we teach?

    The main Themes of the culture might be: symbolism, value, authority, order, ceremony, love, honor, humor, beauty, and spirit, in addition to intellectuality, individualism, the art of living, realism, common sense, friendship, family, justice, liberty, patriotism, religion, education, conflict, ecology … "Theme" in teaching culture is not just any "topic"; rather it is an "emotionally charged concern, which motivates or strongly influences the culture bearer’s conduct in a wide variety of situations."

    Brooks identified ten points around which culture could be based:
    1) Symbolism
    2) Value
    3) Authority
    4) Order
    5) Ceremony
    6) Love
    7) Honor
    8) Humor
    9) Beauty
    10) Spirit
    He suggested teaching different points at different times.

    "There is... a tendency for us to believe that our own reality is the “correct” perception......What appears to you to be an accurate and objective perception of a person, a custom, an idea, is sometimes “jaded” or “stilted” in the view of someone from another culture." (Douglas-Brown 1994)

    Thursday, May 20, 2010

    What is the Korean Alphabet, Hangeul?

    What is the Korean Alphabet, Hangeul?

    How do we read ‘Father’? Yes, we pronounce it [fɑ:ðə(r)].

    Then how do we read ‘Bakery’? We pronounce it [beɪkəri].

    That is why English is so difficult for foreigners studying it like me. As you see, English words are always pronounced in different ways. When we read ‘Father’, the ‘a’ is pronounced ‘a’. However, the ‘a’ is pronounced ‘ei’ when we read ‘Bakery’.

    Sometimes, I cannot pronounce some words even though I learned how to pronounce all the alphabets. Yes, I still have some trouble with English! English is so DIFFICULT!!!!

    I am going to introduce the native alphabet of the Korean language, Hangeul. Of course, Hangeul has the rules to pronounce, but I think they are less complicated in Hangeul than English. (Notice: It is just my opinion! Haha)

    Every Hangeul has the exact sound, so you may read Korean words as soon as learning how to pronounce each sound! (How beautiful it is :))

    Linguists said Hangeul is the easiest language to read and write. (I completely agree with that! :p)

    Before Hangeul was created, Korean used Chinese characters. However, Chinese characters were too difficult to spread among the common people. King Sejong invented Hangeul to improve their life in 1446.

    He published Hunminjeongeum in order to explain Hangeul. Hunminjeongeum means the right sound to teach people.

    Hangeul has 14 consonants

    and 10 vowels.

    I wrote down all the sounds under Hangeul!

    Here are some rules!

    OK. You are ready.

    Just use a combination of 14 consonants and 10 vowels. It is like a puzzle!

    This is the normal form to make a Hangeul letter. You need one consonant (like number 1. Consonant in the picture) and one vowel (like number 2. Vowel in the picture). You can put one more consonant or two more consonants after that, but it is not always necessary.

    Can you read that letter, ‘한’? ‘ㅎ’ has ‘h’ sound, ‘ㅏ’ has ‘a’ sound, and ‘ㄴ’ has ‘n’ sound. ‘한’ is pronounced ‘han’.

    How about this one? ‘경복궁’ is pronounced ‘Gyeong-bok-gung’!

    This is the picture of Gyeong-bok-gung. It's a royal palace located in northern Seoul, South Korea.

    I know it is not enough to make you master Korean. I just want to introduce what Hangeul is :)

    Is it difficult? Then study it! Haha
    I can help you :D Feel free to contact me when you are in trouble studying Hangeul!

    I love Hangeul!
    Let us love Hangeul! ;P Haha


    It is a tip for you! ‘안녕하세요’ means ‘Hello’ ;D Why don’t you greet in Korean? Haha


    Are you intereted in Hangeul or Korean?
    Then, visit here! -> A Note on Korean Romanization (Click)
    You would love there :)
    There is an interesting blog post about Korean romanization!